ACPS is The Art & Craft of Public Speech


The Art (is not magic)

  • It’s a mind shift.
  • Away from fear, which turns us inward;
  • Toward confidence, which looks out.

To speak from a place of calm strength, we need strategies to orient us away from ourselves towards what our audience needs. People listen when you have something to offer. Powerful – memorable – public speaking is rooted in your belief in what you have to give.


The Craft (is not rocket science)

  • It’s simple.
  • Away from muddled presentations without focus;
  • Toward fluid & clear communication.

Smooth, assured public speech requires a solid foundation. Just as successful marketing rests upon a succinct value proposition, so do the best TED talks revolve round a simple central point. Communication that resonates – and penetrates! – is dependent on well-structured messaging and the practiced delivery to make it sing.

What We Offer


ACPS – Custom Courses

Let us design the course that’s right for you and your team.

Do you aim to be more engaging? Are you trying to better persuade you audience? Perhaps you need both.

Or are you struggling with the messaging itself? Want to make that generic AI-generated speech sound more like you? Bring colour to your speech and find your unique voice.

Do you need to reach a wider audience and deliver specified knowledge in a way a general audience can grasp?


ACPS Foundations I & II: The basics

Discover our three-hour workshops that help you:

Get past your fear and build confidence as a speaker

Actively hold your audience’s attention and engage them emotionally

Employ the essential techniques to deliver a clear and fluid speech that gets the message across

Work with visual aids that enhance rather than detract from your presentation

Find your authentic voice to stand out from the ChatGPT crowd

What Our Clients Are Saying


Meet The Founder

Jonathan Mendelsohn has worked in communication for over 20 years, working with executives and companies as varied as The Royal Bank of Canada, Engineers Without Borders and The Battery Ad Agency in Los Angeles. As a university instructor, Jonathan has taught oral communication and writing courses at universities including The University of Toronto, York University and Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. He has presented at conferences across the globe.

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